Process (PAC Process)


Reach out

Contact us via the links on this page and we will send you a client enquiry form to ensure that your project fits and that our values align.


Initial Consult

If we are a match we will use the first meeting to get some information about you and your project and discuss the fees and next steps in our pre-construction process.


The Design

If you already have the design done that is okay, as is if you have a preferred designer. The process is still the same. If you don't have a preferred designer, we have aligned ourselves with multiple professionals ranging from drafts-people to architects and are happy to make a recommendation.


Preliminary Estimate

Once you approve your concept plan we will get to work in providing you with a preliminary estimate of construction costs. We won't have final selections made or an engineering design yet so this is where our previous experience and recent project data will help us provide accurate costings.



Now that you have a concept design you are happy with and you have a preliminary estimate that is in line with your total spend, it is safe to move forward on the other preliminaries which include construction drawings, engineering design, building certification and approvals and any other additional council fees that may be applicable.


Contract and commencement

We are nearly ready to go. We will do a final review on our estimate once we receive the engineering design and feedback from the certifier. Our view is the hard part is over once we reach this stage.